• Slide 1

    Let's Tackle the Levels!

    DeBug'd | Debugging Made Fun

    Made by Girls Who Code Students: Belviane, Claire, Julianne, and Samantha


Level One

In this level...

Bob the firefly was happily flying and blinking around in a local backyard. His wings got tired and he decided to land on a grey thing to rest. He blinked for a bit and then saw a large object reach for him and try to shoo him away. He veered left and noticed the light, so he flew to it, not realizing it was a computer screen.
He heard a quite hum and suddenly he was sucked into the computer.He examined himself, all seemed to be ok, except , now, his blinker wan't blinking at all. Something must be wrong. Can you help fix him and help him out into the real world?