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    Learn How to Play!

    DeBug'd | Debugging Made Fun

    Made by Girls Who Code Students: Belviane, Claire, Julianne, and Samantha


How does DeBUGg'd work?

Let's begin...

In this online game, you are tasked with 'debugging' a set of code on the screen in order to help fix a broken bug on the screen as well. Debugging is the process of finding where there are errors in a person's code. Before every level, you will be given a story line which will give a small lesson related to the code. Read through the code, and once you find the error, fix it, and press debug. If the code is correct, the bug should be fixed. If you need help, there is a hint button available next to the "Debug!" button. Below is an example of code that contains an error:

for(var i = 0; i < 4; i+) {

var bubbles = 0; }

In this code, in order for the for-loop to be correct, i+ must be turned into i++.